Mobil: 0177 - 546 2334

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Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden
Feel free to contact me... !

It's easy to reach me by email, simply fill out the following sheet. You can also call me or send a sms - I will call back as soon as possbile. Nice to meet you, there are still free dates for 2020 !

DJ KeckY - just dancemusic
Christopher Keck
Traubelstr. 11a
01109 Dresden

Tel.: 0049 177 546 2334
(o2 - mo-fr starting at 6pm, please))
Email: info - (ät) -
USt-IdNr.: DE268805925

Prename *
Lastname *
Email *
Phone *
What kind of event is it ? *
Date ? *
Place of your party ? *
How much guests ? *

Data security protection
Your personal data is safe ! All your personal data and emails will just be used to send you a personalized offer. They will not be sold to others or used for advertisements. Fields with a * star are requiered.

Watch out the small print: general terms and conditions
My general terms and conditions are part of every offer and contract. I'm sorry, but at this time they are just available in German. Feel free to download them here. If you have any questions regarding them, feel free to ask by mail or at our meet & greet. I will translate and explain them to you - because you have to know what you're signing.

Skype Me™!


DJ KeckY | Christopher Keck | Traubelstr. 11a | 01109 Dresden | 0177 - 5462334 | booking @
Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

DJ Dresden mobile Diskothek für: Hochzeiten, Polterabende, Weihnachtsfeiern, Silvester, Sylvesterparty, Parties, Events, Moderation,
Firmenfeiern, Betriebsfeiern, Fasching Party, Karneval, Veranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Silberhochzeit, Goldene Hochzeit,
Halloweenpartys, Modenschauen, Promotionen, Kindergeburtstage, Premieren, Sommerfeste, Stadtfeste, Tanzveranstaltungen, Abendgalas
DJ KeckY in Dresden, Radebeul, Freital, Moritzburg, Erfurt, Sachsen, Brandenburg, Thüringen und bundesweit!