Mobil: 0177 - 546 2334

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Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

emergency dj services for Dresden & neighborhood

Your booked dj is ill or has left you high and dry ? There is a high risk your party has to be cancelled because of missing music ? No other dj is available ? Feel free to contact me at:

+49 177 546 2334

If you are not able to reach me by phone, be so kind and write an email or short message - I will contact you asap. Please be sure to know about the following facts:

Place of your party - I need the complete address
Date, time and duration of your event
What kind of technology is available ?
What kind of music should (not) be played ?
How big is your crowd ?

Good to know: It isn't an emergency if you're unhappy with your dj and party already started - I don't have a possibility to change that. It is an emergency if you couldn't organize a dj 3 days before party is starting.

How is it working ?
Upon availability I will take care of your event personally or ask a colleague to do so. Because of my high experiences I own a lot of contacts to djs with their own equipment. After a short while I will contact you and give you further details.

How much is it ?
Fees apply for every successful job. These are 10% of the total bill, minimum is 50 €uro.

Can I hear a sample ?

DJ Dresden

DJ KeckY | Christopher Keck | Traubelstr. 11a | 01109 Dresden | 0177 - 5462334 | booking @
Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

DJ Dresden mobile Diskothek für: Hochzeiten, Polterabende, Weihnachtsfeiern, Silvester, Sylvesterparty, Parties, Events, Moderation,
Firmenfeiern, Betriebsfeiern, Fasching Party, Karneval, Veranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Silberhochzeit, Goldene Hochzeit,
Halloweenpartys, Modenschauen, Promotionen, Kindergeburtstage, Premieren, Sommerfeste, Stadtfeste, Tanzveranstaltungen, Abendgalas
DJ KeckY in Dresden, Radebeul, Freital, Moritzburg, Erfurt, Sachsen, Brandenburg, Thüringen und bundesweit!