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Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

GEMA - fees: what you should know

There are a lot of different curious stories and misbeliefs regarding GEMA. If your event is getting a public character, the organizer is responsible to apply the party at the GEMA-office and also to pay the corresponding fees. The organizer is not the location, not the dj, it's you ! In some cases there might be an exception, because the location has a special contract - you should ask for that. The charged fees are different, they are pending on the amount of guests and on the location. You should ask in advance, because you are the responsible person regarding that topic. If there's a visit by an inspector, you have to clarify appliance of your event. In case you are unable to do so, normally they will charge you a fine which is double than the normal cost. Please grab some information on:

DJ Dresden

DJ KeckY | Christopher Keck | Traubelstr. 11a | 01109 Dresden | 0177 - 5462334 | booking @
Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

DJ Dresden mobile Diskothek für: Hochzeiten, Polterabende, Weihnachtsfeiern, Silvester, Sylvesterparty, Parties, Events, Moderation,
Firmenfeiern, Betriebsfeiern, Fasching Party, Karneval, Veranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Silberhochzeit, Goldene Hochzeit,
Halloweenpartys, Modenschauen, Promotionen, Kindergeburtstage, Premieren, Sommerfeste, Stadtfeste, Tanzveranstaltungen, Abendgalas
DJ KeckY in Dresden, Radebeul, Freital, Moritzburg, Erfurt, Sachsen, Brandenburg, Thüringen und bundesweit!